Articles & Insights

Jul 31

Opening-up Cloud-Native 5G for Over 240 Million US Subscribers

US wireless carrier DISH Wireless is fulfilling its vision of “changing the way the world communicates” with the delivery of a nationwide cloud-native 5G Open RAN network. Mavenir congratulates its partner DISH Wireless on reaching the impressive milestone of deploying over 15,000 5G Open RAN sites that cover over 70% of the US population – more than 240 million Americans – within the FCC buildout deadlines.

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May 30

What To Know About Security In Open RAN Technology

Published as part of the Forbes Technology Council series. Open RAN (ORAN) has been a key area of innovation in the telecommunications industry in recent years. Open RAN disaggregates the radio access network (RAN) and enables a modular architecture with open interfaces. RAN disaggregation permits faster innovation, lower operating expenses for operators and unique ways to optimize…

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Interview With John Baker at Open RAN World in Berlin – April 2023

Click here to view the recording It’s said that Open RAN is all about ‘Open Interfaces’. This feels like an oversimplified view. Can you explain? It’s really not complicated. Yes, it’s all about interoperability between two different elements in a mobile network. Those two elements could be actually manufactured by two different vendors, and providing…


Open RAN the Game-Changer for the Telecommunications Industry

“Enabling multi-vendor operation while supporting all capabilities possible with traditional RAN, will allow operators to leverage equipment from new vendors and provide innovative solutions that deliver higher network performance” said Pardeep Kohli, Mavenir’s President and CEO.


Open RAN Commercial Readiness – The Importance of Partnerships 

Disrupting the status quo tends to bring out fierce opposition from those whose business model could be endangered. It is not a surprise that, despite Open RAN’s momentum with both greenfield and brownfield CSPs, some industry players are trying to sow skepticism among the adopters of the solution and associated technology, particularly about its commercial…


Mavenir Joins Turkcell in Celebrating a Milestone in Voice Digitalization – 15 Million VoLTE/VoWiFi Active Subscribers on Turkcell’s Network

Nothing spells celebration like a cake cutting ceremony and that is just what Turkcell officials hosted in their headquarters in Istanbul, Turkey – a celebration to mark the achievement of a milestone in Voice digitization.   Turkcell embarked on a network transformation journey with Mavenir to virtualize its LTE voice network. By the end of…


A Pathway To Net Zero For Telecom Operators

Today, a focus on sustainability is foundational to a company’s corporate citizenship. As countries and companies work to build better networks, they must also ensure that they are sustainable.