Articles & Insights

May 31

The Future Network Is Open and Autonomous

A conversation with Brandon Larson, SVP, GM, Cloud, AI & IMS at Mavenir Wireless networks are moving towards openness and autonomy at the same time. This is not happening by coincidence. The two trends are interrelated and enable and drive each other. The scope of the transition to open networks goes beyond Open RAN. It…

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Apr 30

Integrating AI Into the Anatomy of Autonomous Networks

To realize autonomous networks, operators must embrace Artificial Intelligence (AI)/Machine Learning (ML) in network operations. Learn how future networks can manage complexity and deliver diverse services in real-time. Brandon Larson, SVP & GM of Cloud, AI & IMS, shares insights on integrating AI into the Anatomy of Autonomous Networks and highlights key points from the panel discussion at Mobile World Congress in this blog.

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Three Rules of Success in Building a Cloud-Native Telco

A cloud-native network opens several new possibilities for the service providers to deliver a differentiated experience and accelerate the launch of new services even as they bring down the total cost of ownership of running the network.  


Marking Milestones for Telcos’ Cloud-Native Journey 

The journey towards full cloud-native networks needs to be meticulously planned and executed so service providers are able to reap the promised benefits. In a recent interview with TelecomTV, Mavenir’s Bejoy Pankajakshan, EVP Chief Technology and Strategy Officer, elaborates on the key milestones for building a fully cloud-native network.


Building the Right Enterprise 5G Network for the AI Era

Mavenir and NVIDIA are developing a compelling solution that brings connected intelligence to the edge by delivering AI and 5G on a converged, software-defined platform. Read the blog for insights on how AI-on-5G drives digital transformation for enterprises.


Imagine That with Mavenir Intelligent Video Analytics

Mavenir’s Intelligent Video Analytics (IVA) applies AI to video stream analysis, enabling actionable intelligence for enterprises and service providers. Read the blog to learn how IVA can increase business efficiency and improve customer experiences.