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Opportunities in the C-Band Abound

The C-band auction in the United States is drawing lots of attention, and proceeds. As anticipation rises for the outcome of the auction, Aniruddho Basu explores opportunities that lie in the C-band spectrum.


Mavenir Stokes Open RAN, Creates Radio Reference Designs

Today Mavenir announced a new business unit that will develop hardware and software designs for open RAN radios to create an ecosystem of radio vendors that will build open RAN radios for the specific needs of operators around the world.


Mobile Ecosystem Forum 2020

MEF The Open RCS ecosystem and the impact of Google’s approach on the consumer, operator, aggregator and other stakeholders  I  Guillaume Le Mener


ITU Panel: Connect2Recover

John Baker will join a panel to discuss Connect2Recover: Emerging Technologies for Connectivity in the Wake of COVID-19