Joint White Paper: Open Ran Integration: Run With It
The Open RAN concept and movement is not new – mobile operators and network and technology vendors have been developing solutions, conducting trials and deploying networks for the last few years. The important point is that Open RAN networks are being deployed today by major operators around the world – this is no longer a science experiment. The Open RAN concept is about disaggregating the RAN functionality by building networks using a fully programmable software-defined mobile network solution based on open interfaces – radios, base stations, etc. – that runs on commercial, off-the-shelf hardware (COTS) with open interfaces.
Open RAN software and hardware vendors have been developing network solutions for the last few years. As part of the research for this paper, iGR identified 22 publicly announced MNOs around the world using equipment from multiple vendors, including Altiostar, Mavenir and Parallel Wireless, who had deployed Open RAN in commercial networks. These MNOs have collectively just over 1.199 billion subscribers in their commercial networks and operate in countries or regions with a total population of more than 2.4 billion.
Download the white paper to learn more.