Move as Fast as You Can to the 5GC
A TCO Analysis of the Transition to a Converged 5G Core
Postponing adoption of a 5G core increases the total cost of ownership (TCO) over five years. Read how the facts stack up and understand the costs that will be incurred supporting multiple cores, using limited automation, and how they increase CAPEX and OPEX. This co-sponsored white paper from Monica Paolini at Senza Fili and Mavenir details how moving to a 5G Core now can reduce TCO by up to 36%.
The data is clear, and Mavenir Converged Packet Core allows CSPs a strategic growth plan with minimal risk, unlimited scale, and greatly improved speed, security, and reliability. Moving to a 5G Core now enables new, innovative opportunities. Mavenir can tailor-fit any CSPs business needs with a Converged Packet Core, cost-effective tools to manage the end-to-end data networks, and experience that smooths their deployment.