Search Results For: RIC


Catch-up With Mavenir at Network X Americas

Gabriel Brown, Senior Analyst at Heavy Reading, discusses Cloud RAN, Open RAN, & Single RAN with Mavenir’s John Baker & Job Benson. They emphasize public interoperability testing & share Open RAN insights. Watch the interview for more on radio tech advancements.


Strengthening American Communications Leadership With Open Radio Access Networks

Today, marked another milestone in the evolution of Open RAN as Mavenir joined other industry leaders and testified before the Communications and Technology Subcommittee in the U.S. House of Representatives at a hearing entitled, “Leveraging American Communications Leadership with Open Radio Access Networks.”


Open RAN North America

The upcoming Open RAN North America explores prominent trends and challenges encompassing testing, integration, private networks, and more


Ericsson Lights the Open RAN Fyuz… However the Proof is in the Eating

We welcome Ericsson joining the Open RAN community,” stated John Baker, senior VP of business development at Mavenir. However… “until Ericsson has certified its products and interoperated with other vendors, it does not have Open RAN. The proof is in the eating – it must be more than just words”.


5G Will Be a Key Element to Boost Digitalization in Latin America

5G is predicted to be a game changer for digitalization across Latin America. 5G Americas CALA, caught up with Mavenir’s Antonio Correa, Regional Vice President, to talk about how 5G will drive economic growth in various sectors across Latin America and the Caribbean.


Mavenir RIC Moves Into Raging Open RAN Race

Brandon Larson, in an interview with SDxCentral explains how Mavenir’s O-RIC is ‘a business tool’ that uses ML & AI to support closed-loop models, allowing CSPs and ecosystem players to program their network the way they want, to meet their business needs.