Edge computing is one of the latest and hottest buzzwords in the wireless industry. Already, AT&T is testing edge computing designs and Verizon has gone as far as to coin the term “intelligent edge network” for its latest upgrade efforts.

Mavenir’s John Baker explained that as much as 80% of the data on mobile networks is video and that trafficking that data through the mobile network core is expensive. Baker said that offloading this data from the packet core to the cloud enables operators to defer investment in their core for two years.

Mavenir said it can do this through its virtualized Media Breakout Controller (vMBC), which it introduced in January. The company’s vMBC is a white box appliance that Communications Service Providers (CSPs) can use to host virtual routing, firewall and user plan data offload, the company said. In other words, Mavenir can move data flow to the cloud where it is feasible.

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Edge Computing (MEC)
Dark Mode